If you think you or someone you know may be at immediate risk of harming themselves, phone 999 or go to A&E.
While walking in the mountains and being in nature can help you manage your mental health and wellbeing, if you are struggling to manage your thoughts and feelings it’s important you reach out and tell someone. There are lots of sources of support and treatments available.
If you are at risk of harming yourself, seek help immediately. You can call 999 and ask for an ambulance or go to A&E. If you don’t want to do that, or just need some advice and support, here are some other sources of information and support that you may find useful.
Other sources of support:
Samaritans (available 24/7) www.samaritans.org, phone 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org
Your GP, or out of hours, phone 111
Mind the Mental Health Charity www.mind.org.uk/information-support/ Mind Infoline 0300 123 3393, email info@mind.org.uk or text 86463
CALM, a movement against suicide. Every week 125 people in the UK take their own lives. And 75% of all UK suicides are male. www.thecalmzone.net - or call the helpline 0800 585858
PAPYRUS, a national charity for the prevention of young suicide www.papyrus-uk.org or call its HopelineUK 0800 068 4141
Hub of Hope, a national mental health database, bringing help and support together in one place www.hubofhope.co.uk
Please remember that walking in the mountains may or may not be appropriate if you are in a state of distress. Please take care of yourself first.